Topping-out ceremony for an identity-forming institute building

On 28 June, we celebrated the topping-out ceremony for the new Institute for Food Safety and Food Hygiene together with the client and the project partners. The new laboratory and teaching building on the Düppel campus of Freie Universität Berlin will concentrate the Department of Veterinary Medicine at one location. Cooperation with other institutes will be improved. »We have succeeded in planning a building for the Düppel campus that fits naturally into the campus in terms of its scale«, emphasised Oliver Hasselbach from wulf architekten in his speech. »Regarding its architecture and appearance, the new building will create an identity for the location, the institution and the users.« Christian Gaebler, Senator for Urban Development, Building and Housing, Dr Ina Czyborra, Senator for Science, Health and Care, and Andrea Güttner, Chancellor of Freie Universität Berlin, also emphasised the qualities of the new institute building in their speeches. 


The folded roof structure takes into account the building regulations and makes reference to the neighbouring buildings. Two atriums bring daylight into the interior laboratory rooms and organise the new building. The new institute building is to achieve Gold certification in accordance with the Sustainable Building Rating System for Federal Buildings (BNB).

2nd prize in the competition for the new Cadolzburg High School

Together with RB+P Landschaftsarchitektur, we are delighted to have been awarded 2nd place in the »New Cadolzburg High School« realisation competition. The site for the new school is located in Cadolzburg near Fürth on the edge of the residential area in a gently curving cultural landscape that slopes northwards towards the forest. The two-storey school building is planned as a flat, stepped structure that follows the topography and, together with the sports hall, sports field and car parks, forms a landmark integrated into the landscape. The sloping terrain allows for a staggered arrangement of uses: The sports hall is pushed into the slope and thus below the school building, which can be arranged compactly and coherently on just two storeys. All eight year clusters are located on the upper level and can be used flexibly as learning houses, »learning lounges« or learning landscapes.

ARCHI_PELAGO - our design for city of Turku

Turku, the oldest city in Finland, is celebrating its 800th anniversary in 2029 and is planning to open a new museum dedicated to the history and future of our civilisation. Over 400 offices submitted entries for the international architecture competition. We are proud that ARCHI_PELAGO made it onto the shortlist from this high-calibre field of applicants. The design is also honoured in the documentation. The judges expressly praised the chosen location of the new building on a peninsula to the west of the city centre.

With its translucent façade, the new museum shimmers seductively on the waterfront. Inside, the various exhibition rooms are arranged modularly as a »building within a building« around a sculptural wooden structure, which is clearly visible from the outside and is reminiscent of an archipelago. The polygonal surface structure and the organic shell symbolise a natural experience and lightness. As a new landmark that corresponds with the neighbouring castle, our design refers both to the past and the future.

Voting for the circularWOOD research project

Congratulations: The circularWOOD research project has made it to the finalists of the »Sustainability Challenge«, which is organised by »Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen« (DGNB). You can still vote for circularWOOD or another nominated project on the Sustainability Challenge website until 16 June.


Two researchers from the Technical University of Munich and Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts have examined and analysed several timber construction projects in detail - including our multi-award-winning project Fire Station in Straubenhardt: the solid timber construction, which is supported on V-columns, has attracted a lot of attention as the »cradle to cradle« principle has been implemented here convincingly and consistently.
We are delighted that the Straubenhardt fire station was able to contribute to the success of this research project.


Trier main fire station: Groundbreaking with Minister President Malu Dreyer

Minister President Malu Dreyer and Wolfram Leibe, Mayor of the City of Trier, as well as numerous cooperation partners, gave the starting signal for the construction of the new Trier main fire station on 7 June. »We are all really looking forward to this fantastic building, which will also set new architectural accents in Trier,« emphasised Malu Dreyer in her speech. Mayor Wolfram Leibe also praised the design for a building »that offers all the prerequisites to guarantee modern security within the legal framework.«

According to our plans, a main fire station with rescue station and integrated control centre arises in the immediate vicinity of the Kaiserthermen World Heritage Site and in the heart of the city of Trier. Our Stuttgart office won the associated competition in 2022.

Awarded first prize: competition »Verdener Campus«

We are delighted - together with WES LandschaftsArchitekten - to have won first prize in the competition »Reorganization and expansion of the Verden school campus«. The implementation of a new pedagogical space concept offers the opportunity to make the Verden campus fit for the future through structural additions - with a change from closed class groups to open learning landscapes. At the same time, integration into the newly emerging campus park will be successful. Unfortunately, we have to refrain from publishing our design concept until the end of the blocking period.

Groundbreaking Ceremony »Regional Prison in Altstätten«

The groundbreaking Ceremony for the Regional Prison in Altstätten in the Swiss canton of St. Gallen took place on 23 May. This symbolic act  officially heralded the start of the construction phase for the new building, which is expected to be inaugurated in 2027. The extension will enable the prison to operate in a modern and secure manner in line with current requirements.

»Thyssen-Krupp-Areal« in Cologne: 3rd Place

We are delighted to announce that our competition entry for the »Thyssen-Krupp-Areal« in Köln-Ehrenfeld has been awarded third place! Our proposal was developed together with the landscape architect Planstatt Senner, Berlin. Congratulations to the competition-team!

Ehrenfeld, the lively district not far from Cologne city centre, is undergoing a process of change: from an industrial location to an urban living and service district. The approximately 21,000 square metre quarter around the former Thyssen-Krupp administration building is to be made accessible to the public and offer space for innovation, culture and creative exchange, while retaining as much of its historic character as possible.

In the eastern area, the site is densified with the help of five buildings that reflect the construction rhythm of the historic production hall. To the north, the building structure culminates in a 15-storey tower building that corresponds with the existing and planned high points in the neighbourhood. The supporting structure of the former open-air hall will be retained in its existing location and will form the centre of the quarter as a »market hall«. This stands above the partially covered outdoor space - an urban »playground«.

Welcome to our new interns!

A whole bunch of new interns has joined our teams in Stuttgart, Berlin and Basel. After settling in they have already started diving into real-world projects, gaining invaluable experience, and unleashing their potential with us. Our table soccer teams are also pleased about reinforcements!

If you want to join us for the next season beginning in September, contact us via bewerbungen[at]

20th anniversary »Laborrunde« – wulf architekten presents the Helmholtz Pioneer Campus in Berlin

»Reflection and Reality« - this is the motto of the two-day, interdisciplinary conference for planners, users and operators of laboratory buildings. On behalf of wulf architekten, Steffen Vogt and Julia Zumkeller will be there to present the recently completed Helmholtz Pioneer Campus in Munich together with Dr. Kerstin Adler (Helmholtz Munich)

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