General Refurbishment of the Entire Premises and Construction of the New Visa Section, since 2021

The sprawling grounds of the German Embassy within the city limits of Ankara are designed like a park. On the slightly southeast-sloping site is a loose ensemble of buildings, some of which are protected historic monuments. The access path to the embassy’s chancellery is in the south and crosses a courtyard that is enclosed on three sides. The task is to restructure the entire property from the point of view of historic preservation and function while also giving an important role to the interplay of buildings and open spaces. A new building for the visa section that fits discreetly into the existing ensemble is to be constructed in the southwest part of the site.


The new building is accessed from the west through a separate entrance and forms a security area delimited from the rest of the site. The facility consists of three parts, and with the gently upward-rising roof of the entrance building / guardhouse, makes an inviting gesture to Paris Caddesi (Paris Street). Visitors reach the two-story visa building by walking along a covered passageway on the upper level, while a lower courtyard that follows the topography is closed to public access. The visa building itself is configured as a clearly defined block. It opens up on its glassy longitudinal sides and is clad in sand-colored brick on both ends. The relatively deep building receives daylight in its innermost areas from skylights under a strikingly contoured roof winged roof.



08 2021

Start of Planning
09 2021

BBR Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung